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Community Litter Picks

The Eco-Council met to discuss the organisation of a litter pick in our local community.  The children identified areas that they regularly play in outside of school where they had observed lots of litter.  The following week, armed with our litter pickers, plastic bags and our clipboards, we set off for our litter pick to the MUGA and surrounding area! 


We were amazed to find over 40 plastic bottles and over 50 tin cans as well as many other recyclable and non-recyclable items including aerosol cans, takeaway containers, food wrapper and much more.  

A few weeks later, the Eco-Council then conducted a second litter pick in the same area (at the MUGA) as they felt that it needed further work to help to make it as litter free as possible.  We were astonished to find a further 30 plastic bottles, 15 tin cans as well as other old items including footballs and they even found unused candles!
